Bon Voyage

I've struggled with the recent departure of a friend from SL. Then I came across an advertisement for traveling to Africa, in a copy of National Geographic. This is a quote that really stood out to me.

“Elephants have greeting ceremonies for friends returning from voyages. Secretly, I hoped that when I come back, they’ll remember me as much as I’ll remember them.”

I related to this quote for a few reasons.
  1. A trip to Africa is on my "Bucket list" so this grabbed my attention.
  2. Traveling in both realities is extremely important to me. [We would share LM's.]
  3. The last conversation I had with my friend was about my most recent trip to the local Zoo. [Sadly, he's never been to a Zoo.]
  4. In order to deal with the loss of this friend, I'm going to think of him as being on a voyage. A very "good" voyage.

So in the interest of open admission, I'll admit I'm totally plagiarizing these words for expressing my feelings...

Elephants have greeting ceremonies for friends and family returning from voyages. Secretly, I hope that when my friend comes back, he’ll remember me as much as I’ll remember him.

Shush, this is my delusion ... that my friend will return. Even after Pandora opens the Jar releasing all the evils of mankind, inside the Jar remained one thing... Hope.

My friends are family, and family stays with you always ... even when you are apart.

Love Thursday: Treesome

Not a typo... Treesome sometimes you just want to be held... in a tree.

About Me

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Extremely shy in large social settings but love to make friends, to explore and go on adventures, wicked sense of humor (once I feel comfortable), and a bit of a social-chameleon (so I've been told)