Growing old is mandatory;

 growing up is optional...
and when you take a trip to Disney World...
EVERYBODY is five years old.
Disclaimer: RL blathering mixed with SL
and some RL photos

The reason for the break in daily photos was our vacation to Walt Disney World.  For me, it has always been a magical place.  I was five the first time my family visited the Magic Kingdom. I could not tell you the number of times I've enjoyed going to Walt Disney World. It might be close to twenty. Really, honest...  I live in Florida and if someone visits they want to go to Mickey's World.  I'm not complaining.  I love going.  I love watching others become infected with the magic.  So, you might be wondering... what makes this trip so special?   It's the little ones that we took.  Our little girls ARE our little princesses and sometimes pirates.[Arrrrrrrr]  We fought off good intended grandparents for almost seven years.  They kept hounding us to let them take their granddaughters.  We had decided when our first child was conceived that we would wait until we didn't have to worry about diapers for the first trip. Fantastic plan but difficult to uphold.  It was the longest period of time for me to not visit.  The excitement and thrill increased the closer Merrick and I came to Orlando.  Our daughters had no concept of what they were about to experience.  We joked that their heads were going to explode with the overload.  Waves of squealing and jumping up in down commenced as the main gate approached. [wicked grin...Merrick included] I promise this will not be an exact recount of our adventures. I just needed to express the joy. This was the best far to Disney World that I've EVER had, nothing marred it in any way.
Mermaid Anya and Princess Dagny

We returned home and it was full steam ahead....  Holiday celebrations to prepare for, school winter break for our girls and all the other daily chores.  Study time for Merrick... with a few breaks. 

These weeks have flown by too quickly.  Most important, everything worked out well...  Merrick graduated.... yay!!!!!

Unfortunately all the activity and stress took a toll... all the females in our house have been under the weather since the winter break began from school.  We are only starting to see the end of Doctor visits, mountains of tissues and medicines with the start of the new year.  AND I only have six weeks remaining before I tackle a marathon.  [mumbles what did I get myself into?]   

Oh yeah...ummm I feel some guilt in not posting pictures since... NOVEMBER 14th! Will I ever keep to a challenge??? 

  I'll just pick up where I left off and justify the blip-snag-gaff and missing posts by my own logic.  I stopped for a little bit cause I NEEDED/WANTED to stop. There is only so much time everyday to do everything.

For the new year, I resolve to not let time slip through my fingers and be wasted.  I hope you make the most of everyday.  This song by ABBA is one that I had forgotten. Thank you Merrick for bringing it home to me,  for me it speaks volumes.   


Alicia Chenaux January 2, 2010 at 1:53 AM  

You have such a beautiful family! *hugs and love and best wishes for the new year!*

Shawn January 2, 2010 at 2:23 AM  

HEY!!! I know that guy!!! =P

Anonymous January 2, 2010 at 4:14 AM  

DISNEY!!! Oh please, please, please take me there too :D !

Happy New Year to all of you *hugs super tight until your eyes pop out*

Emerald Wynn January 3, 2010 at 12:44 PM  

Awww! I love this post! <3

Elora Henig January 3, 2010 at 11:22 PM  

Alicia: thanks so much Ali. We love ya.

Merrick: ummmm duh, lol

Laleeta: Merrick and I would Love to host your visit and take you to Disney. Just send us your flight information and we'll meet you at the airport. <3

Emerald: I'm beaming from your love. <3

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Extremely shy in large social settings but love to make friends, to explore and go on adventures, wicked sense of humor (once I feel comfortable), and a bit of a social-chameleon (so I've been told)